Life is not perfect. It is one barbarous jape in our faces! As we get older we are all ageing are different levels of our body.

There is not much I can do about the heart or the lungs but we can certainly help with the face.

Beauty is not evil.

Looking Good imparts confidence.

It can even enhance your performance in all aspects of life. There are clinical studies to prove that small amounts of Botox have helped stave off depression!

Everyone is talking about #judy murray.She has had a total skin transformation.

This was not rocket science or magic. It is pure science. The power of dermatology at its finest.

As you can see from the images she has had her pigmentation zapped.

There are several ways to do that. While lasers and light therapies remain the simplest and quickest form to do so, they do not improve the quality of the skin. They carry the additional risk of burns and post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Of course, we have to work with affordability and commitment to the treatment And Lumecca remains one of our most popular treatments for pigmentation.

Judy Murray on the other hand, had a treatment protocol from Obagi medical called Nuderm. The protocol uses the gold standard for pigment treatment called Hydroquinone, In addition to prescription grade retinols, vitamin c and an exfoliater .

Hydroquinone has developed a bit of a reputation in the market thanks to Google doctors and Google scientists. There has been, contrary to what the Google experts mention , no human Case of cancer. The cancer scares emerge from studies conducted in rats when they were fed very high amounts of hydroquinone.

This medication is not to be used without a doctor supervision as there is a finite duration and method of using it.

Once my patients have committed to the use of the program, I then move them on to skin tightening procedures.

We have a plethora of skin tightening procedures is to choose from. They range from non-invasive radio frequency, micro and macro focused ultrasound therapy ( ultherapy/ ultraformer) and of course our star power the Morpheus 8!

The results start instantly but take up to 24 weeks for full effect. Not all patients need three or four treatments. The younger you are, the sooner you invest in yourself, the less you need to put yourself through.

Drop me an email if you have any queries. Let me embark on this anti ageing journey with you.Morpheus 8 is the way to go- avaialble at our london clinic.

All procedures performed under strictest medical settings by doctors.